Game Development

Revyn Entertainment

I have a small game enterprise I like to call Revyn Entertainment. A branch of my Revyn branded engineering projects where I focus on projects made with engines that support open source software development and software art (think filtering and AI generated art).

I want to make these passion projects designed with tons of colorful, filled with fun, and made to be unique and original games. I aim to bring familiarity and nostalgia to life inside these games, as they will all have an element to them we all already have experience with. Think of casual everyday things, and then attach your childhood fantasies to them. I want to achieve a full re-imagination of what we used to imagine as children.

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My first game was made with the Godot Engine and is called TooTic2Tac. I create it with the absolute most basic thing I could imagine and then just added flare. TicTacToe may not be that interesting, but if it's completely unpredictable, unfair, funny, and emphasizes the already casual nature of passing the time playing the game with a friend - I would call that a win.

Camera on the Revyn Arm

Check out information on the development of TooTic2Tac and a link to download and play here.

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